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Writer's pictureMegan

One Week Post-Surgery!

Updated: Jul 10

Hi everyone,

We are now one-week post-surgery and Dino is doing great! There has been hardly any bruising, and the seroma is even clearing up faster than we expected. Dino is adapting to three legs - his biggest challenge right now is pooping without toppling over, but we'll support him until he gets the hang of it. He has finished his antibiotics and just has the anti-inflammatory, painkillers, and sedatives for another week (or until we check in with the doctor).

However he still isn't sleeping well at night. I'm not sure if it is because with our current arrangement only one person can sleep down on the floor on his level, or if it is something else. Usually he doesn't sleep on the bed with us, but maybe he's just seeking a little extra comfort while he recovers. He is sleeping plenty during the day though, so it is really only us who are suffering...

It was a rainy day today, but Dino didn't seem to mind. I held the umbrella over him when we went outside. It was a lot cooler today and I think that made him happy. He is continuing to lay gently on his stump, and I notice the stump moving a bit more as he tests it out.

Ben and I are so overwhelmed with the support of the GoFundMe for Dino's vet expenses -- $4960 in just five days! That is so amazing. We are so thankful, and I am hopeful we can break the $5000 mark. Thank you to everyone who has helped us out, we really can't express how grateful we are and how much this helps us and Dino.

That's all for today. Please enjoy these two photos of Dino.

-Megan, Ben, and Dino

A photo of Dino the dog laying on the floor next to a blue bed. He is wearing a cone-collar and his eyes are lit up by the flash of the camera.
Took a photo of the noisy guy in the act last night.
A photo of Dino the dog laying on a blue bed. He looks expectant.
Waiting for me to share some cheese.


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