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Second Round of Chemo Complete

Writer's picture: MeganMegan

Updated: Aug 4, 2024

We have set up a GoFundMe for Dino's veterinary expenses, and we're a little over halfway to our goal! Please consider helping us out.

Hi everyone,

I apologize for the gap in updates. As I mentioned last time, I am back at work full time, and I am also really starting to feel the last 6 weeks catch up with me. I am so very tired, and my life has changed so much, so fast. This week I have been trying to prioritize myself and do some selfcare. I think I need more time to recover, but we're getting there.

Dino is doing well, but we did see some side effects from the chemotherapy. We went for his second round of chemo this last Thursday, three days ago, and it was a very hard day for him (and so also for me). Last time the vet said they needed him to be calmer when he arrived, and asked that I give him a large dose of sedatives and painkillers just before leaving the house. Unfortunately he just tried to fight it the whole drive to Toronto, and kept falling over in the car. When we arrived and got checked in, they said he did the same thing in the treatment room, and ended up just putting him under anaesthetic. We discussed this in detail when he was all done, and decided the best course of action from here on out would just be to do the anaesthetic when we arrive, and skip the at-home sedatives. Normally dogs don't need to be sedated for the chemo IV because the regular oral sedatives are enough, but Dino is just so big and he fights it so hard. It will be easier on everyone, especially him, to just do the anaesthetic instead.

They said other than that, he was a very good boy. They are always happy to see him, and they are pleased that he never needs a muzzle or anything. They said he is the sweetest guy and just wants cuddles, but the problem is he just moves too much.

Dino also had a follow-up to the heart ultrasound from last time, and we are very happy that the fluid around his heart is consistent with last time. This is a good indication that the extra fluid is part of Dino's normal physiology, and not a sign of something light heart cancer. Going forward we will skip the ultrasound step at his chemo appointments, but he will have some X-rays at the next couple of appointments to ensure the osteosarcoma hasn't spread to his lungs.

Dino was feeling very sick the day after this chemo session (yesterday), which was worrying because the side effects usually come 3-5 days after, not within 24 hours. He was refusing to eat, which was very out of character for him and quite alarming. I called the hospital and they said to try offering him something irresistible like chicken, and if he hasn't eaten by lunch, to head to the emergency hospital. I tried offering him some yogurt and some other goodies he loves, and he didn't want them. After a couple of hours of just gently petting him and checking on him, I decided to offer a bit of kibble before going to emergency, and he very gently took a kibble from my hand! I was so relieved. I gave him another, which he ate very slowly, then another, then he stuck his nose in my hand so I just dumped them on the rug next to him so he could eat. He ate them all up and then snuffled around for more, so I jumped up and went to the kitchen to get more, and I was very pleased when he followed me. I put a big scoop of kibble in his bowl and he happily ate it up, then drank a bunch of water. I was so, so relieved, and we did not have to go to the hospital. Later that same day he had very soft poops twice, and some very bad farts, so I guess his tummy was just upset. Today he is feeling much, much better and he had a normal poop. He is in great spirits today, so hopefully we don't start seeing the expected chemo side effects tomorrow or Monday. Fingers crossed!

Today we went to the coffee shop and he was very pleased to meet lots of people. He also did really well with the other dogs around, and just laid beside me, eating bites of my bagel. I think it was a very nice outing for both of us. We also went for a cruise around town after and he had his head out the car window the whole time. We took it easy this afternoon, watching the women's Canada vs Germany Olympic soccer game while I did some chores and Dino napped.

Next week we don't have any treatment in the schedule, and we'll be back in Toronto for round three of chemo the week after. I am happy that Dino has been able to start doing little outings again - no long hikes or anything yet, but he has really been enjoying the small walks and visits with friends (and so have I!).

That's all for now. I'll be sure to keep posting, even if the gaps in between are a little longer these days.

Oh, and today is one month post-amputation! Dino is really getting the hang of life on three legs, and he loves to run. :)

-Megan, Ben, & Dino

A photo of Dino the dog laying in the grass with a stick. He looks very happy.
Life is good when you got a stick.
A photo of Dino the dog laying on a wooden deck with a stick.
Sticks for life.
A photo of Dino the dog sitting in the backseat of a car. There is a bandage on his front right paw and he looks tired.
About to head home after round two of chemo, still a bit out of it from the anaesthetic.
A photo of Dino the dog's amputation stump. There is very little scabbing and it looks healthy.
Stump Watch: One month post-amputation and looking great!
A photo of Dino the dog laying on a brick patio. He looks happy.
The Coffee Shop Kid!


©2024 Dr. Megan E. Tannock
Last updated July 2024

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