We have set up a GoFundMe for Dino's veterinary expenses.
Hi everyone,
Dino has developed a seroma on his chest, which is a fluid build up. I guess recovery speed bumps were bound to happen, and from the sounds of it this is normal and nothing to worry about, as long as we take care of it properly. I emailed a picture to the surgery team to find out what to do and they instructed me to apply a warm compress and massage it 4-6 times a day. Only if it gets bigger or starts to be painful do we have to see a doctor about it. Poor Dino - cold compress, warm compress ... can't catch a break cause I'm always holding something against him. This afternoon he ran to Ben when I came at him with the ice pack as if to say "Make her stoOoOop..." Sorry buddy, it's for your own good.

We had another rough night; he's up every hour readjusting or shaking because of the cone. He was a bit more restless today, too. He wanted to be in the sunshine, but it was so hot I couldn't stand it for very long. He is napping now, and is doing okay other than the seroma. The surgery site continues to look very good.

We are also very excited and relieved that the GoFundMe for Dino's vet expenses has exceeded $4000! We're in awe of the generosity of everyone, and we are so, so grateful. We are hoping we can exceed the halfway point, so please share the link if you can. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
That's all for now. Just a short update today.
-Megan, Ben, & Dino