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Writer's pictureMegan

First Night at Home Post-Surgery

Updated: Jul 6

We have set up a GoFundMe for Dino's veterinary expenses. More info below, including a cost breakdown.

Hi everyone,

Dino is very happy to be home, and we are so relieved his surgery went so well. Everything went smoothly yesterday evening, and we are happy that Dino hasn't had any negative side effects from his medications.

Overnight was rough though. Dino didn't want to sleep on his bed, instead opting for the hallway by our bathroom. I ended up sleeping on a long pillow on the floor next to him for about an hour and a half, then I woke up sore and switched to the couch. But because I was no longer right next to him, every few minutes I would jolt awake and have to peek over the couch to see how he was doing. Around 3 am he was very restless so I got up and took his cone off for a little bit to give him a break from it. I was very happy that he took himself straight to his water bowl for a drink, then he laid down on his bed, which was right next to where Ben was sleeping. I put the cone back on and got another 45 minutes of sleep or so on the couch. At around 4 am, Dino was up again and I figured he had to pee, so I took him outside. He ended up laying down on the driveway and refused to move, so I had to go in and wake Ben up for help. That was stressful, but we got Dino back in and he laid on our bed. Ben laid down on a tiny available strip of the bed and I ended up on Dino's bed (which isn't as bad as it sounds - Dino's bed is a twin mattress I bought at Jysk that was meant for humans).

I woke around 6 am and basically stared at the ceiling until about 8 am when it was time for Dino's meds, but this is when things started to improve. We got Dino outside for a potty break (he had a good pee, still no poop, but the vet warned that could be a few days) and he was pretty efficient and came back in quick because he was hungry. We made him a great breakfast of kibble, pumpkin, water, and medications that he ate up quickly before returning to the bed to sleep more.

At around 11 am we took Dino out for a pee and he laid in the grass. Ben decided to refill the bird feeder and Dino seemed to enjoy watching Ben do something. The weather was already hot by this time, and Dino was enjoying the cool grass.

A photo of Dino the dog laying in the grass, watching Ben the human refill a bird feeder.
Watching as Ben refills the bird feeder.
A photo of Dino the dog laying in the grass. His shaved bum and leg-stump are visible. He has a light blue towel draped over him.
Enjoying the cool grass.

At around noon, our dear friend Sarah popped by. She did a very generous grocery run for us at Costco and brought us lots of goodies, including a chicken pot pie that is in the oven now and smells great. Dino was very happy to see her - I am sure it was the most exciting part of his day. We applied a cold pack to Dino's surgery site throughout the day and did a few chores and other tasks. Dino is currently sleeping and he is doing well. He has been leaving his stitches alone, and we've been able to have his cone off all day (under careful supervision). Hopefully we can all sleep better tonight.

A photo of Dino the dog's shaved bum and leg stump. Only the stump and his tail are visible, with the rest of him hidden behind a couch.
A very funny angle of our tripawd. Looks like a strange little creature in my house.
A photo of Dino the dog sitting on a blue bed with Ben the human. Only Ben's legs are visible.
Some cuddle time with Ben.

Ben and I have set up a GoFundMe for Dino's veterinary expenses. If you can donate any amount, or even just share the fundraiser page, we would really appreciate your help. After just a couple of hours we have already raised $250, which is amazing. Ben and I are truly touched by the generosity, and it will really help as the costs keep building up and we need to take time off to travel back and forth to Toronto. Donations will really help us offset that lost income, and help reduce our stress so we can take the best care of Dino possible.

Here is a breakdown of all of our expenses, excluding travel expenses:

Diagnosis and amputation, expenses so far:

June 4, 2024 - Initial examination and medication $566.62

June 12, 2024 - Additional medication $91.31

June 25, 2024 - X-rays and examination $736.86

June 26, 2024 - Oncology consultation $494.37

June 27, 2024 - CT scan $3,154.55

July 3, 2024 - Rear leg amputation, medication, and leg biopsy $6,395.72

July 16, 2024 - Stitch removal $0 (included in amputation price)

Diagnostic and Amputation Subtotal: $11,439.43

Chemotherapy, starting two weeks after amputation:

Week 1: blood test, doxorubicin $875

Week 2: blood test at the local clinic $107

Week 3: doxorubicin $875

Week 5: doxorubicin $875

Week 7: blood test, thoracic radiographs, carboplatin $1590

Week 8: blood test at the local clinic $107

Week 9: blood test at the local clinic $107

Week 10: blood test, carboplatin $1300

Week 13: blood test, thoracic radiographs, carboplatin $1590

Chemotherapy Subtotal: $7,426

Expenses Total: $18,865.43

Initial donations: $4000 (Thank you to Mary and Shane Tannock, Kurt and Carla Nehring, and Emma Junker for this initial help)

Thanks for reading and checking in about Dino. It has been very helpful to write about Dino's progress and many people have reached out to us. All of the well-wishes and kind words have really touched our hearts. I will give Dino pets and kisses for every one of you.


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